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Image by Becca Tapert

Protecting our marriages through the power of prayer

Home: Welcome

50% of marriages today end in divorce.

We want to change that.

 Our mission is to be a group of women that love, support, and pray expectantly for each other and our marriages as we strive to honor God with our marriages and lives.

Home: Who We Are
Image by Ben Rosett

Changing your marriage is possible, we've seen it done.

We want to be a safe place to come and get real support, help, and prayer for your marriage. Currently, our divorce rate for committed group members is at 1%.


“This group of women has helped me in many ways, but most of all they give me a safe place to land when life feels out of control. They truly show the love of Jesus.”

Michelle, wife of 19 years and member of Five: Seventeen for 4 years


Ready to "Shut up and pray"?

We have groups meeting throughout the West Orange area in Florida. Find a group and get plugged in. 

Don’t see a group in your area? Start one! 

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